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Private Label Personal Care Line • Brand Development & Style Guide

p2. Final Design: With Modessa, the end result was a large, cohesive, fresh line of products, that are easy for the consumer to navigate, with strong brand blocking in the aisle.

p3. Gift Set Design: The New Modessa Health & Beauty Line design was such a hit with corporate that they wanted extend the line to more cohesively brand their gift sets. They loved the simple element of the squares on mainline and wanted a distinctive Modessa gift set pattern. The multicolored stripes lend themselves to be festive and not holiday specific, which is important for cost savings throughout the year.

p4. Packaging Style Guide: We designed representative SKUs knowing the majority of the 100+ SKU system would be executed in China. The design of a Modessa Package Style Guide was developed to set the rules and parameters for the brand, to ensure a smooth roll out.

p1. Naming, Logo Development & Package Concepts: Family Dollar wanted to develop a unified line of private label Health and Beauty Care products to compete more effectively with national brands. The new line was to be broad reaching in demographic appeal, and meant to attract a wide range of ages and ethnicities. Bright, fun and friendly colors were requested to fall in line with the brand character of 
Family Dollar. The artwork was going to be executed in China, so the design needed to be easily adabtable in over 100 different die shapes and sizes.


A wide range of names and logos were explored, then some were applied to a range of SKUs to start to test names and look and feel of the system.

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