p1. Assets for Package and Display Design: With the introduction of Poise Microliners, Poise is pushing double-entendre boundaries to get younger women to trial, relying on a young mom joyfully announcing: "I have SAM in my pants." Messaging was focused on how thin and absorbant this new product is to capture POME & NCE targets.
We worked the package at the same time the agency was working the campaign, so it was paramount to keep communication flowing during the process as the package visual was an important element in both. Design focused on the development of the key benefit of ’incredibly thin’. The benefit ended up encircling the pad render for a clear focal point. The circle icon was carried throughout all displays.
p2. National Grocery Displays: We referenced the photography of our young mom to design a Floorstand, PDQ & Clip strip to capture the shopper in store. The side card was not only a great way to specifically highlight Poise Microliners in a multi-package display, but was also versatile enough to be used for the both the floorstand and the PDQ. The clip strip was positioned out of category, in the feminine care aisle, to engage NCE‘s for trial.
p3. Walmart 1/2 Pallet: The 1/2 pallet was positioned in the Action Alley section of Walmart to promote out of aisle recognition.
The free ‘All You’ magazine contained coupon offers specifically targeted to the Walmart shopper.
p4. Walgreens In Store Savings: The floorstand balances the use of campaign visuals with the Walgreens sale price and coupon offer.
p5. Target Shelf Talker: Signage in Target is coveted and with this in aisle shelf talker Poise Microliners was introduced with a strong brand presence.