p1. Club Pack & Pallet:
The Costco customer is increasingly pushing for cleaner, more impactful packaging even if it breaks the architecture of the grocery store packs. The purpose is to capture, clarify and convince in the simplest way possible. The Costco team was thrilled with this redesign that communicates everything the previous club package did, but in a magically efficient way.
p2. Costco Pallet Skirt:
When the die for the box changed just
before deadline (as they do!), the new design was very adaptable. The tray simply reinforces the message of the box, so as not to compete. The pallet skirt captures the consumer's attention and brings the piece to life with on- target lifestyle imagery.

p3. Hair Tie Promo:
The UBK marketing and design teams are always looking for ways to connect to their Stylista consumers. This hair tie freebie was a great way to keep the retailers excited about stocking their product, the consumer excited about buying, and it connected with them in way that is on-brand and on-trend. It’s a win-win situation, and a way to keep the brand fresh and fun!
Here see 2 options for creating a unique diecut board for the hairties to wrap around that folds on the corner from the top of the pack to the front.
Option 1: (The chosen concept) This graphic card keeps the copy very simple with a large “FREE” reversing out of hot pink to stop the shopper in aisle. The PDQ takes inspiration from the patterns on the hair ties, using them as an accent on the lip of the PDQ.
p4. Option 2: The die cut of this graphic card allows the hair ties to be seen from the front view of the pack but also leaves room for messaging. The top, folded over section of the card and the PDQ lip highlight trending hairstyles that use hair ties as inspired by an online audit.